
Here's just a small sampling of environmental and forestry projects we have carried out.

Planting trees across a bund for an agricultural customer.

This was a nice little project we carried out a few years back, planting a mixture of tree species across a newly instated bund at a customers yard to try and help increase bio diversity whilst also screening the potato store.

Sandiway Cheshire

A nice project we carried out for a client three years ago. Thinning a beautiful mature woodland, clearing windblown trees, leaving brash on site for invertebrates to make their homes in. As you can see this was a very low impact job with approximately 100 ton of firewood extracted.

Wem, Shropshire

Clearing trees along an old canal to try and help restore it back to its former glory, this was part of a waterways project, the clearance allowed natural light to flood back into the canal and has helped increase bio diversity.