Sustainability and quality are our key goals. All of our logs are sourced from forestry work we carry out across Shropshire and Cheshire, as part of the sustainable forestry management services we provide through our sister company EJ Agriculture. All of our forestry work is carried out to benefit new and existing woodlands, for every mature tree we fell a new one is planted.

We give you the option to plant a tree when you order your logs, this option helps us to re plant more trees with our sustainable forestry management services. For every tree we fell another one is re planted. All of our forestry work includes a re planting contract. We push towards planting mixed native hardwood trees, however some sites are better suited to re stocking with softwoods. You can do your bit to help the environment by selecting this option with your log order. To see what we get up to view the projects section of our website. £5 + 5% VAT (When ordered with our other products) per tree.


Large nets of logs and kindling (click to view)


Loose Loads (Click to view)